Emma Clinton's Portfolio

Collection of Open Source GIScience Projects

Project maintained by emmaclinton Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Emma Clinton Open Source GIS Portfolio

Hi! I’m Emma Clinton and this is my portfolio for the Spring 2021 Open Source GIS course at Middlebury College. I am a Conservation Biology major interested in applied biogeography for best use land planning, and I’m very excited to learn more GIS techniques using Open Source software platforms!

GIScience Analyses

  1. Gravity Model of Spatial Interaction
  2. Rosgen Stream Classification in GRASS/R
  3. SQL Query Analysis with OSM Data: Greenspace Access in Dar es Salaam
  4. Reproduction Analysis: Climate Change Vulnerability Analysis in Malawi
  5. Replication Analysis: Mapping Twitter Response Data to Georgia Hurricane
  6. Reproduction Analysis: Spatial Access to COVID-19 Healthcare Resources

Blog Posts

  1. What is Open Source GIScience?
  2. GIS: Tool or Science?
  3. Managing Error and Uncertainty
  4. Spatial Twitter
  5. Ethics of Volunteered Geographic Information
  6. Big Data Debate: Personal Privacy v “The Greater Good”

The course website is found here.

Thanks for checking out my site!